
Shannon has lived in 6 different countries, teaching in 3 of them, rode a tandem bike solo across Canada, and has journeyed to becoming proud of being in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. She has seen the need for belonging and connection that create strong environments for individuals and groups to thrive.  As an educator of over 15 years she is able to make topics come to life, engage the audience, and leaves people feeling connected to each other – which is essential to us moving forward – strong businesses, etc.  

Book Shannon to speak at your next event

30 Minute Call to Answer Your Questions

Connecting to Rise

With over 15 years of educating experience in the UK,Tanzania, and Canada Shannon understands people and what engages them to take action. Through living in 6 different countries, and being part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, she has battled with how to belong as her authentic self, and created projects to create a more inclusive world. ‘belonging expert’

Bike Trip, Biases, Connection

Move towards a place of connection

Create a culture of belonging

Build a stronger workplace/community


With over 15 years of educating experience in the UK,Tanzania, and Canada Shannon understands people and what engages them to take action.

In her interactive workshops participants learn tools to operate within a community of diversity and inclusion by challenging minds and opening hearts. Through the use of Beyond Our Image’s visual campaigns, Shannon empowers participants to understand their shared humanity in order to harness the strength of connection.  

Shannon teams with Gayathri Shukla where they show the power of allyship and how we can work together to create stronger, safer spaces. 


Move towards a place of connection


Create a culture of belonging


Build a stronger work place/community

Teaming with Campfire Kinship on Experiential Storytelling

Successful businesses understand that in today’s increasingly diverse workplaces, a culture of trust is necessary to attract and retain top talent. Learning how to authentically communicate and listen to perspectives other than our own, is a critical skill. Yet, it is still an underrated one. When it comes to sensitive topics of identity, like race or gender, many employees fear that what they say could compromise mutual respect. However, there is a way to deepen trust across diversity, and it’s through the timeless medium of stories.

Understand Bias and How It Impacts Our Daily Lives

The biases we hold impact how we interact in the world. Without awareness of these, we live in a divided work place, community, and life. This workshop will have participants reflecting on their biases in a safe space.


Examine how bias shows up in our lives

Reflect on biases that we may hold and how that can impact our behaviour

Practice using listening as a way of increasing empathy and understanding for one another

Leave with an increased awareness of bias, and tools to listen to one another

Customize Your Workshop

Workshops can be customized to meet your needs. Meet with Shannon to discuss what topics you are wanting to implement and what you want participants to walk away with. 

Book a 30 minute call to talk about a workshop perfect for you

30 Minute Call to Answer Your Questions


Growing up as an immigrant in Canada, I did face bullying, prejudice, and stereotypical remarks because of my ethnicity and religion. Now, as an educator, I longed to teach the beauty that comes with diversity in my classroom, in our school, and in our world. I hoped my students to respect and encourage the contribution of various cultures, acknowledge the validity of different cultural expressions and value what other cultures offer, and celebrate rather than just tolerating the differences in order to bring about unity through diversity. It is true when people say, “Practice acceptance and celebrate diversity because strength lies in differences, not in similarities,” and I believe that The Windows Into Our World display effectively demonstrates and teaches value of diversity, not only to our students but whoever walks into the building. I am so grateful and proud to have this display in our school. 

– Euna Namkoong

Artist in Residence

An educator for 15 years, Shannon has taught across the globe and seen the need to create schools where students feel like they truly belong. She uses photography as a mode to access students learning and ability to communicate.  The ease of using a camera allows students of all abilities, including English language learner to participate in the learning. 

Book a 30 minute call

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Windows Into Our World

A photography project bringing belonging to schools.

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I am so glad you are here,

I am so glad you are here,

To share in our projects, lift each other up, and create something big. Together. There is a power when we move together. By joining the list you will now have insider information into creative projects we are working on, the chance to be featured, and early notice of volunteer opportunities. 

You may be a doer and a shaker, and want to participate in these - from volunteering to sharing, to being on the other side of the camera


You may want to be along for the ride, to share in other peoples stories and get a splice of connection and love in your inbox. 

Either way, welcome, and thank you for being here. 

Welcome to the Community!